le nostre attività in corso

Danni su danni:
  Esondato per le troppe piogge il bacino artificiale per la raccolta dell'acqua piovana ...

Obbitu village was cut off from sololo town as the dam
overflowed and discharged high velocity floods to the roads leading to

the dams also overflowed its retention walls scaring a burst of the
walls. an alarm was sound and the public came to reinforce the walls.
the pipe leading to the tank up the dakakate hills was disjointed to
discharge more water from the dam.
Haro oba also burst it wall and flood the oba village community came
to re-channel water course to the culvert at start of the oba village.

Sololo police was heavily flooded but no property or life lost.

market and shop were floods with property of unknown value was
destroyed by floods.

data on the number of households displaced or the number of persons
displaced in sololo district and its environs was not yet established.

neither data on our beneficiaries who were affected by floods is not
yet known but Abdi is following up.

thank you
best rgds
gufu guyo

le nostre attività in corso